Post-Storm Trauma In Dogs: Helping Fido Cope

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Just like people, Fido can be mentally and emotionally traumatized by bad experiences. This is extremely common in military dogs, but can happen with pets as well. This is an issue that often arises after a pooch has experienced things … Read More »

If Dogs Had Thumbs

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There’s a pretty fun pet holiday around the corner. March 3rd is If Pets Had Thumbs Day! We suspect that if our feline patients suddenly grew thumbs, they’d be very interested in locking Fido out of the house, and perhaps … Read More »

Allergies in Dogs

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Did you know that dogs can get allergies, just as people can? Fido can have reactions to a wide variety of substances, such as pollen, mold, and dust. Allergies can appear at any point in Fido’s life, and sometimes develop … Read More »