Fido’s Golden Years

Is your dog going grey around the muzzle? Is Fido slowing down lately? Dogs age at a different rate than humans do, so it can be surprising to realize that the bouncing ball of fur you brought home not so long ago is now a senior. Here, a Tampa, FL vet discusses Fido’s golden years.


Proper nutrition is very important! Offer Fido a premium pet-food, but don’t overindulge him. Senior dogs can gain weight very easily, as they aren’t as active as their younger counterparts. While chubby pups are undeniably cute, they face some very serious health risks, such as heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. Ask your vet for nutritional recommendations, including supplements, serving sizes, and suitable treats.


While Fido won’t be as energetic as he once was, he’ll still need regular exercise to stay healthy. Be careful not to overexert your furry friend, especially in hot weather. When it’s really hot out, walk your dog in the mornings and evenings, when it is at least a little cooler. Senior pooches often enjoy swimming, which is easy on their bones and joints. Feel free to take your pet to a dog beach, or let him enjoy a supervised dip in the pool! Just be sure to check with your vet first. Dogs all have their own unique exercise and activity needs. Your canine buddy’s workout requirements will depend on his age, breed, and weight.


Dogs become increasingly sensitive to temperature extremes as they grow older. Limit Fido’s outdoor time when it’s hot, and make sure he always has plenty of fresh water. Your canine pal may also enjoy having a fan pointed at his bed.

Veterinary Care

Your vet may want to see Fido more often as he ages, so his health can be closely monitored. Between appointments, watch for signs of illness, and call your vet immediately if you notice anything wrong.

Tail Wags

The time we have to spend with our canine friends often passes much too quickly. Spend time with your pup every day, and keep that tail going by offering lots of love, ear scritches, and belly rubs, as well as the occasional cold snack. After all, Fido really wants nothing more than to hang out with his best friend: you!

Please contact us, your Tampa, FL pet hospital, for all your dog’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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