Thanksgiving With Senior Pets

The holiday season is coming up fast! There’s lots to look forward to at this time of year: food, festivities, and, most of all, quality time with friends and family. If your pet is in their golden years, you’ll want to take some extra precautions to keep them happy and healthy this Thanksgiving. A Tampa, FL vet offers tips on how to do that below.

Stick To The Same Routine

Older pets really thrive on stability. Try not to disrupt Fido’s schedule for walks and meals. As for Fluffy, well, she’ll likely stick to her usual napping schedule.

Offer A Quiet Retreat

Senior pets often get quickly worn out by a lot of commotion. Fido and Fluffy may prefer to spend the day napping. If your dog or cat gets anxious when there are a lot of guests around, or has medical issues, consider setting them up in a quiet back room. Offer your furry pal comfy bedding, toys, treats, and, in Fluffy’s case, a litterbox.

Choose Suitable Treats

Pets are definitely something to be thankful for! There’s no reason you can’t offer your furry buddy a special treat. Just stick to foods you know are safe for your fuzzy companion. Plain, cooked meat, fish, or poultry, without the skin, bones, or fat, is a good option. Fido and Fluffy can also have sodium free broth, or a bit of shredded deli meat. Never give your dog or cat anything that contains garlic, onions, scallions, or chives; chocolate; alcohol; grapes, currants, or raisins; caffeine; or xylitol. Meat on the bone is also unsafe, as are raw meat, dough, or yeast. Ask your vet for more information.

Guest Courtesy

Not everyone is as enamored with our animal friends as we are. People without pets of their own may not know what is or isn’t safe for your dog or cat. Ask guests not to feed your four-legged friend.

General Safety

Although senior pets aren’t as mischievous as kittens or puppies, they can still get into trouble. Candles, potpourri burners, garbage, wreaths, and garlands are all hazardous to dogs and cats. Also, just keep an eye on your furry companion, and make sure they aren’t underfoot. You don’t want Fido or Fluffy getting stepped on!

Please reach out to us, your Tampa, FL vet clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!

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